Where I'm available

Here you will find all possible ways to discover me.

Visit the contact page for my contact information.


Listen to my pieces on Spotify, and add me to your playlists if you like!


YouTube is a great way to find and listen to music!


Is Deezer your main music-app? Find out what's available on here!


Want to buy my music through Amazon?

Amazon Music

Would you rather listen via Amazon Music?

Google Play Music

Androidians gather around, check me out on Google Play Music!


What? I'm available on SoundCloud? Yes I sure am!


Do you want to use piano sounds for your newest TikTok vid? Check out what's available right here!

Instagram and Facebook Stories

For the ones who have their home in the stories of Instagram and Facebook, you can now also use my music on there! How exciting!

I'm available in over 150 streaming platforms, to find me on your favourite platform, search for 'Fingal Grünbauer'!

Do you want me on other music platforms?

Visit Contact to reach out to me, and maybe I'll be available soon on your favourite streaming platform!